We are currently providing services both in-person in our offices and remotely using Internet-based audio-visual telemedicine services.
To ensure privacy, remote services are provided using encrypted and HIPAA-compliant technology.
Please inquire to discuss having remote or in-person sessions.

I am a clinical psychologist licensed in the State of Virginia. My practice also includes Armahn Rassuli, Psy.D. We see individuals and couples, and I provide supervision and training for professionals. I specialize in Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP), which I have taught and researched for more than 20 years, and we all provide individual and couples therapy.

Treatment Resistant Depression
When Other Therapies Have Failed
Have you tried multiple therapies or medications for depression or anxiety and gotten little relief? We specialize in helping people resolve longstanding conditions, even when multiple medication and therapy trials have proven ineffective.

Building Better Relationships
Getting Along Better
Are you struggling with problems in your marriage or dating relationship? We work with many couples on issues such as communication, emotional distancing, repetitive cycles of negativity, lack of emotional or sexual intimacy, infidelity, and questions around commitment. We can help you and your partner develop a more secure and loving relationship by learning to practice principles of emotional attunement, fairness, trust, and mutuality.
We also work with individuals seeking to improve their relationships with romantic partners, friends, work associates, or family members.
We Can Help with …

Medically Unexplained
Physical Symptoms (MUPS)
Help for Mind/Body Conditions
Have you have been suffering from back pain, fibromyalgia, IBS, headaches, or any other physical symptom for which there seem to be no effective treatments? Often these disorders are partially or fully caused by the stress of underlying emotional conflict. I have over 20 years of experience in a form of therapy (ISTDP) that is one of the few treatments that has proven effective for these disorders, even when years of medical treatments have been unsuccessful.

Other Psychological and Emotional Concerns
A Seasoned, Caring Therapist Can Help
In 20+ years of psychotherapy practice, I have helped people with a wide range of issues. Some of my additional areas of specialization include:
Attention Issues
Trauma and PTSD
Adolescent Therapy